What are location/locator maps?


Location maps

Location Maps are usually an A4 document, as anyone can print A4 pages in colour, designed in accordance with your own branding, logo, colour scheme, fonts and lay out to match the rest  of your corporate literature. The composition of the page is usually landscape with a third of the page displaying your logo, address, and contact details as well as detailed travel directions by car and public transport. In most cases we recommend using a small scale approach map to show the connecting motorway network and airports. The remaining two-third of the page include a base map covering a 5-20 miles area around your location and a large scale zoomed-in inset to pinpoint your building and its immediate surroundings. This detailed inset is probably the most critical component of your A4 location map as it takes visitors directly to your door and shows any relevant parking information and walking routes from the train station for visitors using public transport. Last but not least, we always recommend adding a photo of your building so visitors know what to look for when they arrive.

Locator maps

Locator maps are simpler maps often referred to as brochure maps or web site maps. They are the ideal addition to any web contact page, brochure, leaflet or flyer to encourage new clients to visit your store, restaurant or tourist attraction. Our locator maps are designed to remain clear as a low resolution image although we can supply the original artwork as a vector file to be inserted directly into your marketing materials.

Locator maps are essential for local or national network of stores but also for any office based in a large city like London when all you need is a map showing where you are in relation to the nearest tube stations.